Aesthetic genital plastic surgery

In recent years, intimate surgery has seen significant growth in aesthetic surgery. The demand for intimate surgery for both men and women continues to rise steadily. This trend is due to advancements in surgical techniques and increased awareness of the benign nature of such surgical interventions.

For women, intimate surgery addresses various requests such as:

  • Augmentation of the labia majora using fat transfer (lipostructure)
  • Reduction of the labia minora through labiaplasty
  • Vaginal tightening to address post-childbirth laxity with vaginoplasty
  • Clitoral repair for victims of female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • Correction of clitoral hood hypertrophy
  • Hymen reconstruction (hymenoplasty)

Women’s intimate surgery can serve as reconstructive surgery, such as clitoral reconstructive surgery after FGM. It can also encompass aesthetic intimate surgery, such as labiaplasty for reducing the labia minora.

In the case of reconstructive intimate surgery, the procedure may be covered by social security.

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Genital surgery for women and men in Paris | Dr B. Sarfati

Different types of genital surgery

Explore the types of intimate surgery performed by Dr. Benjamin Sarfati.


Each technique of women’s intimate surgery is detailed on this site. You can find specifics of each procedure by clicking the links below:

  • Hymenoplasty

During the first sexual intercourse, a woman’s hymen tears. For personal preference or following a forced relationship, hymen reconstruction is possible, an increasingly common procedure.

Large labia minora can cause physical discomfort and intimacy issues. Labiaplasty is a procedure that addresses hypertrophy of the labia minora.

dr Benjamin Sarfati


Specialist in breast surgery and intimate surgery

Practitioner Specialist at Cancer Control Centers, Gustave Roussy.
Member of the Henri Hartmann Breast Institute.
Founder of the Women's Surgery Center.
Founder of the international congress "Paris Breast Rendez-Vous."
Member of the scientific committee of patient associations (Europa Donna, BRCA France).