Cosmetic eye surgeries

As poet Alfred de Musset once said, “The eyes are the mediators of the heart.” Over time, wrinkles can appear at the corners of the eyes, the upper eyelids may become heavier, and under the lower eyelids, dark circles or puffiness can develop. The goal of cosmetic eye surgery is to enhance the eyes without altering their natural expression.

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Eye surgery procedures

Explore eyelid surgery, performed by Dr. Benjamin Sarfati.

Indications for cosmetic eye surgery

Fine lines, or “crow’s feet” that crinkle at the corners of the eyes when smiling, subtly drooping eyelids, and mild under-eye circles can sometimes add character and depth to one’s expression.

However, when crow’s feet become pronounced wrinkles, dark circles give a perpetually sad or tired appearance, the upper eyelid becomes so heavy that one looks perpetually bored or sleepy, or the eyes appear constantly swollen as if from sleep or tears, cosmetic eye surgery becomes a viable option.

Other indications include eyes perceived as too “bulging”, small, or sad-looking, all of which can be corrected through cosmetic eye surgery at any age.

Areas treated by cosmetic eye surgery

To brighten the eyes, smooth crow’s feet, and regain the youthful sparkle, surgery can target the upper eyelids (upper blepharoplasty) and/or lower eyelids (lower blepharoplasty). Fat transfer, or lipofilling, is an excellent complement to lower eyelid surgery for correcting dark circles and under-eye bags.

The process of cosmetic eye surgery

Cosmetic eye surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia and is generally brief, lasting less than an hour.

Post-operation, the eyelids may be painful for a few days. The surgeon will prescribe pain relievers, and it’s advisable to apply cold compresses to the eyes. Swelling and bruising in the operated area may persist for a while, varying greatly between patients, and typically subside within eight to fifteen days.

About seven days after surgery, makeup can be used to conceal scars and bruises. Wearing sunglasses can also be a good way to hide the signs of surgery. Scars are usually hidden in the natural creases of the eyelids and become nearly invisible quickly.

Results of cosmetic eye surgery

The eyes, as the saying goes, are the windows to the soul. The artistry of cosmetic eye surgery lies in correcting the effects of aging without altering the patient’s natural expression. When operating on the upper eyelid to remove excess skin that causes a drooping appearance, there is minimal risk of changing facial expressions.

Historically, unsatisfactory results were seen with lower eyelid surgeries, especially for under-eye bags, when too much fat was removed, resulting in overly round or wide-open eyes. Today, this risk is mitigated as fat is not merely removed but preserved and used in fat grafting (lipofilling) to smooth the lower eyelid.

dr Benjamin Sarfati


Specialist in breast surgery and intimate surgery

Practitioner Specialist at Cancer Control Centers, Gustave Roussy.
Member of the Henri Hartmann Breast Institute.
Founder of the Women's Surgery Center.
Founder of the international congress "Paris Breast Rendez-Vous."
Member of the scientific committee of patient associations (Europa Donna, BRCA France).