Skin tumor surgery

Skin tumors are classified into benign tumors (sebaceous cysts, moles,…) and malignant tumors, known as skin cancers (melanomas, basal cell carcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas,…). Surgical procedures vary depending on the type of lesion, necessitating a precise diagnosis, including biopsy if necessary, before considering excision surgery for a skin lesion.

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Skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma) | Paris | Dr B. Sarfati

Dermatological surgery

Dermatological surgery is one of Dr. Benjamin Sarfati’s specialties. He serves as the chief dermatological surgeon at Gustave Roussy, Europe’s leading Cancer Center.

Definition of a skin tumor

Skin tumors are prevalent in the general population and can be of various types:

  • Benign skin tumors (moles, nevi…)
  • Malignant skin tumors (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma)

A skin tumor may be removed for aesthetic reasons or because the lesion is suspicious and requires analysis.

Can moles be removed?

Techniques for skin tumor surgery

Skin surgery utilizes aesthetic surgical techniques to perform complete excisions of lesions while leaving the most discreet scar possible.

Procedure for skin tumor surgery

Typically, the procedure is conducted under local anesthesia at Dr. Benjamin Sarfati’s office, such as in the case of mole surgery. For more extensive lesions, however, it may be necessary to perform the surgery in an operating room.

Recovery after skin tumor surgery

Post-operative recovery is straightforward. Stitches are removed after 5 days, and normal activities can be resumed the day after the procedure.

Results of skin tumor surgery

Visage d un homme avant et apres une ablation de grain de beaute Dr Benjamin Sarfati paris

Mole removal

Removal of a mole (nevus) for cosmetic reasons, the scar is discreet and placed within facial creases

Grain de beaute sur le visage avant et apres ablation avec une cicatrice cache au niveaue du plis du visage Dr Benjamin Sarfati paris

Removal of a mole

Removal of a mole on the cheek with a scar hidden in facial folds (result after 5 months)

Skin tumor surgery: what is the cost?

The cost depends on the type of procedure performed and the type of reconstruction considered.

dr Benjamin Sarfati


Specialist in breast surgery and intimate surgery

Practitioner Specialist at Cancer Control Centers, Gustave Roussy.
Member of the Henri Hartmann Breast Institute.
Founder of the Women's Surgery Center.
Founder of the international congress "Paris Breast Rendez-Vous."
Member of the scientific committee of patient associations (Europa Donna, BRCA France).